

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Why We Write

By Nursalam AR

" More unsuccessful business perpetrator than unsuccessful actor." ( John Gardner in On Becoming A Novelist)

Everything early with intention. Any [is] our deed of course there [is] intention or motivation which base on. Including when we write. This is software in our x'self which must be arranged beforehand before berkutat with all technical detail [of] writing [of] like idea, plot or ending. To [whether/ what] we write the? Money? Ideology? Therapy of x'self Healing ( trauma healing)? In context of trauma healing, we can refer [at] Paulo Coelho which is in novel of The Al Chemist suggest that we write down all sorrow or feeling bothering in sheet of paper and melarungkannya to river. Undoubtedly sorrow or doubtfulness of sirna.

John Gardner in The Art of Fiction mengatakan,"Kebanyakan one who I know to want to be the author, given the what is the meaning (of) that thing, finally become the author. Matter which require to be owned by [all] beginner author [is] comprehend clearly what in fact they wish and what having to them [do/conduct] to be able to become one who they wish that."

Habiburrahman Syaerozy, the example. With a niatan improve;repair the nation behavior [pass/through] the article, Circular Forum activist [of] Pen ( FLP) branch this Kairo inspire to yield the belleslettres amusing and brightening. Alhasil, glide from guratan [his] arms Sentence Cinta-Novel which in demand by fenomenal and lifted to [screen/sail] lebar-maupun [of] Above Sajadah Love, what [is] later;then lifted to become a sinetron rating to the [in] a TV private sector. Including some similar book impressing. What most anyar [is] dwilogi [of] When Love [of] have Prayer beads [to] launched [at] final Milad ke-10 FLP [of] direct and Last Februari twice reprint in 1 month;moon!

Writing, message of Helvy Tiana Rosa-Sastrawan generation 2000 version of Korie Layun Rampan and peraih of appreciation of Adikarya IKAPI-KARENA [of] besides both for health bounce and yield the money, writing also enable the us [is] enriching each other idea, sharing to feel and experience and also infinite mengeksplorasi imagination sky.

Last, salahkah [of] if we wish to write solely because money? Isn'T it true that William Shakespeare also start to write because economic keterpepetan? Just validitys it is of course. But have our siapkah with the warehouse of patience and liver strength to the all deduction to our masterpiece? Generally along ekspektasi berlebih-karena (it) is true related to requirement perut-penolakan even also excessive sometime according to the rate ekspektasi

kith Penulis-Yang [of] many me temui--yang motivate to write solely because items even also generally a lot mutung, [shall] no longger write after various deduction. Otherwise, they meracau merutuki chance or even blame the others especially publisher and media editor. They stir to accuse the kesana-kemari [of] except to their/his self. They forget the bahwa--seperti wejangan Eka Budianta, the poet of seangkatan Rendra--Menulis [is] give.

In business logic which sometimes partake to fasten the activity write the, menjual-termasuk ' selling' tulisan--adalah serve and give the. Candidness serve or give to consumer requirement exactly will generate the market demand in the form of repeat order ( recuring order). what overflows [of] Items [is] its side effects. This is frequent other side disregarded [by] [all] writer motivating to write solely because items.

Become, writing without burden, say the Kuntowijoyo-Salah one man of letters of favorite saya-dan [of] there's only three way of to become the writer, that is by writing, writing and writing. Writing as candid as spiting or throw away the intention. A Habiburrahman Syaerozy also number do not if its Sentence Cinta-Yang royalty for the infaq of sweet pesantren--akan in demand [is] till reprinted many times in a short time. JK Rowling which is only a impecunious teacher [in] English even also have never dreamed if Harry Potter world will though initialy he is only writing down fantasy [his] babyhood. In Ianguage ( alm) KH Abdullah Syafi'Ie, a moslem scholar of kharismatik Betawi era 70an,"Nanem paddy grass to follow the; nanem grass the paddy miss the." Target which more than " merely" items will lead the us [of] [at] target of peripheral [of] like items and popularitas.

citation of Word of John Gardner [of] above even also in fact do not just be desisted there. There [is] sentence pamungkas becoming the key, namely, " Even though, in business school, optimism which is glorious always." Yes, optimismelah-selain motivasi--yang also differentiate the someone delaying, including a writer. Isn'T it true that failing that ordinary and awaken from that failure newly excrutiatingly

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