

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Idea Livestock

By Nursalam AR

" Money [of] only a idea."

( Robert T. Kiyosaki ) If money [of] only a idea [of] hence multiply the idea as much as possible [is] the same by mengembangbiakkan [is] money to be got. In industrial context [is] writing -- what its aroma business do not be different far from industry of real estate elaborated [by] the Kiyosaki which also writer of book of Rich Dad Poor Dad--Ide have to be arrested even have to be bred. supposing of livestock Animal, he have to be taken care of, dikembangbiakkan and do not ayal sold. just See [of] phenomenon of Sentence novel Love the Habiburrahman El-Shirazy or Soldier of Rainbow of masterpiece of Andrea Hirata harvesting royalty billion rupiah and wide [screen/sail] world footstep. This is real example [of] what a idea to a writer do not alter the nya of livestock animal representing priceless asset.

If idea [is] wild animal hence he have to be arrested, tamed, didomestikasi. As does people first mendomestikasi of horse or camel to become to ride worthwhile for human being. its Arrester medium can with many way of. Hemmingway catch the idea by way of typing any kind of [in] its typewriter if experiencing of idea compression. Gola Gong [do/conduct] the world tour to net the Ballad idea [of] The Roy and Journey [in] Asia. A.A Navis chosen to squat [in] toilet for hours - till it is said he [is] attacked [by] wasir-demi pursue the the idea

Some other writer there [is] engulfing x'self in book heap, ngopi [in] cafe by laptop alert [in] fingertip or simply playing at voli to tame the so called creature [of] this idea. Its nucleus;core: idea have to be arrested. Because idea also supposing [of] pouncing movement gleam. If do not be attacked nippy, he will glide the menghunjam of earth and teredam, do not be usefull disturb. Hence catch the idea valiantly Benjamin Franklin - the inventor of arde alias lightningrod -- catching thunder with the kite hung [by] the iron key [of] [at] its yarn in the middle of crowded torrential rains [of] flash. A bravery bernyali by keingintahuan [is] big and spirit [of] trying something new

Become hackneyed - and typical [of] scene [in] film of era Indonesia 70an - if we conceive a writer look for the idea with only terbengong-bengong [of] [in front/ahead] of stationery and paper or hold the head with the cigarette mengepul [of] like cart smoke condense. Like the saying of Umar bin Khattab,"Rejeki [do] not fall off hand from sky. Work the!" Idea also have to be poked to [by] fall like we poke the mango ranum from leafy tree.

If mango have fallen, if wild animal have been arrested and tamed, what having to us [do/conduct]? With all the amsal, costlier idea from Red Fruit come [from] the Papua and more inscrutable from animal Pegasus in Greek mythology [is] pay dirt which deposit [is] obliged to and livestock animal which costly very [in order] not to maintain. And need the special jurus-jurus for the beternak of idea

First Jurus: Pening

Pening idea in laptop, computer, USB, sketch, typewriter, stain, agenda or diary or any [is] facility of data depositor which we have. Though only in the form of one sentence obtained in trajectory [in] moment marrow await the late train, misalnya,"Kereta which break a promise". Don'T look down to its amount in consequence [is] too costly embryo for the diaborsi.Siapa of to predict if streak of idea of JK Rowling [of] above secondhand tissue will transform to become the so called giant baby [of] Harry Potter which through years hypnotize the world

Become don't let the idea [of] only berkelebat stop by [in] marrow. Confine he is because he easier and wilder go even more rentan stolen [by] than money. If require to, treating [is] same idea valuable with the money which we remit to bank. Have the idea bank - in whatever form -- what its contents always earn the us remit and draw each;every moment.

[Both/ second] Jurus: Feeding

If bakpao [is] food for the body of, book and kontemplasi ( recitate the, tadabbur, meditating, yoga etc) [is] food for the brain of [soul/ head] and. This is best asupan for the animal of so called livestock [of] idea. Progressively variatif and nutritious [of] type asupan progressively bongsor and heavy [of] the idea

" Every Man'S work, whether it be literature or music or pictures or architecture or anything else, the is always a portrait of himself."(Samuel Butler).Dalam context a relevant to English-speaking aphorism enough become the guidance. " Ordinary People of talc of about people; mediocre people of talc of about events and extraordinary people of talc of about ideas."

Class people [of] under discussing people, people - people of mid class discuss the event [of] whereas people who [of] have calibre [to] exceptionally discuss the idea or idea. If world [of] a writer [of] only loaded exclusive with the light reading, gossip the inconsequential selebritas things and [of] temeh [of] hence output and quality of its article do not far from what shamping of tersebut.Ia [of] only becoming writer categorize the class [of] under non which just [is] more than anything else exceptionally. Like the saying of wise people, don't fulfill your mind with the small things because will too a few/little room for the mind of big

Third Jurus: Kembangbiakkan

Marrying good idea with the insemination or cross bred. Ox of taft Madura fighter karapan [is] result of mixing of seed of choice ox. Pre-Eminent idea also so, he inherit the quality of genetis input forming [his/its]. In How To Be A Smart Writer, Afifah Afra - writer of top FLP by sederet [is] novel of best seller one of them novel of history of Javasche Orange - defining two way of mengembangbiakkan idea namely - what I term of insemination and cross bred. Insemination [is] [enter/include] the new element to a old story or idea. For example, if in fable of Malin Kundang becoming stone [is] Malin Kundang, very attractive possible if becoming stone [is] ibunya [of] because assessed [by] the negligence and hold responsible to behavior change [of] the Malin

[For a] while cross bred [is] combine two different story element. Take the example [of] of story of Cinderella and Putri Snow ( Snow White). happy Cinderella because shoe snugly of the size glass shoe might possibly later;then defeated to eat the poisonous apple. Later;Then he come to life after kissed [by] the the prince. Or if we like to more komedik, Cinderella come to life after smell the glass shoe promoted [by] seven kurcaci

Fourth Jurus: Sell

Sell the idea in the form of writing down [it]. " Fasten the science by writing down [it]," that way order the Ali bin Abi Thalib, frequent carried [by] a motivator figure write the Hernowo in so many its book. Otherwise can write down [it], the idea can be sold to a friend writing down [it]. that problem Hitung-Hitungan finansial it is possible that agreement. In the world of sinetron have inveterate a writer sell the idea and problem execute the till delivered to team of scenario writer. The writer [by] xself possible just supervising or becoming head writer. That simply example [of]. But we competent of course and very [is] entitled to accept the honour to write down [it] own. Of course if us dare to harvest after work harding seed disperse and take care of [it].

So, enjoy the result of beternak idea. But first question, did our [is] nyali for the beternak of idea

Jakarta, 17 March 2008

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Why We Write

By Nursalam AR

" More unsuccessful business perpetrator than unsuccessful actor." ( John Gardner in On Becoming A Novelist)

Everything early with intention. Any [is] our deed of course there [is] intention or motivation which base on. Including when we write. This is software in our x'self which must be arranged beforehand before berkutat with all technical detail [of] writing [of] like idea, plot or ending. To [whether/ what] we write the? Money? Ideology? Therapy of x'self Healing ( trauma healing)? In context of trauma healing, we can refer [at] Paulo Coelho which is in novel of The Al Chemist suggest that we write down all sorrow or feeling bothering in sheet of paper and melarungkannya to river. Undoubtedly sorrow or doubtfulness of sirna.

John Gardner in The Art of Fiction mengatakan,"Kebanyakan one who I know to want to be the author, given the what is the meaning (of) that thing, finally become the author. Matter which require to be owned by [all] beginner author [is] comprehend clearly what in fact they wish and what having to them [do/conduct] to be able to become one who they wish that."

Habiburrahman Syaerozy, the example. With a niatan improve;repair the nation behavior [pass/through] the article, Circular Forum activist [of] Pen ( FLP) branch this Kairo inspire to yield the belleslettres amusing and brightening. Alhasil, glide from guratan [his] arms Sentence Cinta-Novel which in demand by fenomenal and lifted to [screen/sail] lebar-maupun [of] Above Sajadah Love, what [is] later;then lifted to become a sinetron rating to the [in] a TV private sector. Including some similar book impressing. What most anyar [is] dwilogi [of] When Love [of] have Prayer beads [to] launched [at] final Milad ke-10 FLP [of] direct and Last Februari twice reprint in 1 month;moon!

Writing, message of Helvy Tiana Rosa-Sastrawan generation 2000 version of Korie Layun Rampan and peraih of appreciation of Adikarya IKAPI-KARENA [of] besides both for health bounce and yield the money, writing also enable the us [is] enriching each other idea, sharing to feel and experience and also infinite mengeksplorasi imagination sky.

Last, salahkah [of] if we wish to write solely because money? Isn'T it true that William Shakespeare also start to write because economic keterpepetan? Just validitys it is of course. But have our siapkah with the warehouse of patience and liver strength to the all deduction to our masterpiece? Generally along ekspektasi berlebih-karena (it) is true related to requirement perut-penolakan even also excessive sometime according to the rate ekspektasi

kith Penulis-Yang [of] many me temui--yang motivate to write solely because items even also generally a lot mutung, [shall] no longger write after various deduction. Otherwise, they meracau merutuki chance or even blame the others especially publisher and media editor. They stir to accuse the kesana-kemari [of] except to their/his self. They forget the bahwa--seperti wejangan Eka Budianta, the poet of seangkatan Rendra--Menulis [is] give.

In business logic which sometimes partake to fasten the activity write the, menjual-termasuk ' selling' tulisan--adalah serve and give the. Candidness serve or give to consumer requirement exactly will generate the market demand in the form of repeat order ( recuring order). what overflows [of] Items [is] its side effects. This is frequent other side disregarded [by] [all] writer motivating to write solely because items.

Become, writing without burden, say the Kuntowijoyo-Salah one man of letters of favorite saya-dan [of] there's only three way of to become the writer, that is by writing, writing and writing. Writing as candid as spiting or throw away the intention. A Habiburrahman Syaerozy also number do not if its Sentence Cinta-Yang royalty for the infaq of sweet pesantren--akan in demand [is] till reprinted many times in a short time. JK Rowling which is only a impecunious teacher [in] English even also have never dreamed if Harry Potter world will though initialy he is only writing down fantasy [his] babyhood. In Ianguage ( alm) KH Abdullah Syafi'Ie, a moslem scholar of kharismatik Betawi era 70an,"Nanem paddy grass to follow the; nanem grass the paddy miss the." Target which more than " merely" items will lead the us [of] [at] target of peripheral [of] like items and popularitas.

citation of Word of John Gardner [of] above even also in fact do not just be desisted there. There [is] sentence pamungkas becoming the key, namely, " Even though, in business school, optimism which is glorious always." Yes, optimismelah-selain motivasi--yang also differentiate the someone delaying, including a writer. Isn'T it true that failing that ordinary and awaken from that failure newly excrutiatingly